Saturday, March 24, 2007

just when you thought it was safe to put on your sandals

just yesterday i was gleefully watching the ponds fill with runoff and the pasture turning greener and greener....last night was filled with loud cracking lightning and thunder rumbling and the lulling sound of rain on my tin roof. Then i woke up to 6 inches of snow.
this is spring in the high mountains. tomorrow will be 60 degrees and muddy as all get out. I foolishly left my work gloves in the garden yesterday after mulchng my garlic with llama poo.they are now lost beneath the gloves and the garlic. I'm left to chopping wood bare handed....good thing i've got hands like leather.

its funny how much less daunting a post equinox snow storm is compared to a snow storm in january. theres a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!


BBC said...

Ah, winter in the high country. We only got one snow all winter and it was mostly gone in a week.

Raining today but it's good for keeping things green here.

I don't have any problem with sending you the solar panel and waiting for you to send me the money for the shipping when you get the money.

I'll check with UPS for an idea of about how much it would cost.

Jbeeky said...

Wonderful photo! Makes me want to sit by the fire and drink sweet tea.

Hayden said...

makes me cold just thinking about it!

Rosie said...

I keep waiting for us to get our last snow. We usually have a snow like that before the spring is out. And there is nothing muddier than the day after.

I got me some freakin' sheeplies on the back porch! They are not socialized at all and I'm planning to keep them back there until they get some sense of this being home now and me not being scary. They are really thin under all that wool. You must give me sheep wisdom. I know bugger all about sheep.