Wednesday, February 21, 2007

borregas y sol

what cracks me up in this photo is the super serious -i am going to ram you- stance that lupe (the white one) has towards pup eva. lupe is always the protector....she'll nail the dogs pretty hard if they don't watch out.

I had dreams of gettin’ outside today and doing outside sort of things in the almost march sunshine but alas, the wind has other plans for me. looks like i’ll have to put some groovin’ music on and dance around in the sunbeams that come into the kitchen....then settle down to spin. Some knitting folks in santa fe are interested in seeing a sample of my yarns and thats great but i don’t have any yarns to show much less a sampling...just bags of fleece crammed under my kitchen table.
I did sit for a bit in the sun on my wind free porch with the sheep....they like to huddle with me there and it gives me a chance to pick unwanted matter from their rose bramble...thats the worst.
i’m really happy with their fleeces so far....the colors are gorgeous. I’m especially fond of diosas. She’s mostly churro, then cotswold but she has something like 10% karakul and it really shows. Too bad she is so hard to photograph...she’s a lustrous pitch black and always on the move.
unlike godiva here...always ready with a pose and a smile.


Rosie said...

I love Godiva. She always looks like she's going to break into a grin.

Mallow said...

yep me too.. she's my fav. so far :)

Jbeeky said...

New here, just delurking to say I love the picture of Godiva and love that rug/blanket you made! You are very talented! Is it okay to ask how much they are?

aaron ambrose said...

its more than okay to ask how much they varies, but generally a blanket like the one pictured is anywhere from 600-1000 dollars....depending on the pattern, size, and dyed vs. natural colors and all that. If you'd like more info just drop me a line at and i'll give ya the low down....
thanks for the feedback!