Saturday, March 8, 2008

Zapatista Corn!

I was super excited to get this email this morning, so i'm passing it on to anyone that might have a bit of garden space to grow some of this sacred corn and join the fight against gmo contamination of heritage crops. Through NAFTA, the import of gmo corn from the US is threatening the indigenous crops that mayan folks have survived on for generations, and don't even get me started on the economic impact on small farmers. The purchase price, which is a slide scale, is actually a donation to the Mother Seeds In Resistance Project. "... a community-based and directed effort to save the natural or mother corns of the indigenous Maya peoples of Chiapas, Mexico, and to advocate for community-based sustainable agriculture, while raising awareness about the dangers of the North America Free Trade Agreement to heritage seeds and small farmers in both the U.S. and Mexico."
You can buy some of this vital corn seed right HERE!

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