Tuesday, December 9, 2008

i've gone all quiet...

even the incessant talking to myself has ceased. i've been hard at work on my loom to get this blanket done....and i'm almost there.i'll post a photo once its knotted off and ready to go.
also, i'm having lots of eyeball problems where the computer is concerned. blurry, aching...not liking the screen. a bummer since its a definite deterrent to indulging in some sort of blog post story...the other day in the car i had the idea that i'd tell you all about when i was a gothic art-fag lsd addicted malnourished stressed out teenager with a blood letting/sucking fetish...good times...
oh sigh.such a miracle i'm alive.
but hey, it'll make a good story. if my eyes will just let me write it.

and in other news, the recession/depression scares the crap out me.

AND i had to share this clip from democracy now...

Bush Buys Home in Former All-White Neighborhood

And President Bush has bought a new home in an exclusive section of Dallas. Up until 2000, the gated community had a neighborhood association covenant that allowed only whites to own property. The document said the area’s land “shall be used and occupied by white persons only except these covenants shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality in the employ of a tenant.”

now, i know its no big surprise that bush is a unabashed racist ass but still....and can you just imagine what the people are like that live in that gated gleaming white haven???? blech....


Jack Slowriver said...

blech indeed. He's so wrong. It's like at every single turn, every decision to make, he takes the opportunity to be a stupid prick.

Unknown said...

Since the primary's in 2000 I haven't seen nor heard more than six seconds of him.
Makes me too ill.
I either turn off the radio/TV or just leave the room.
p.s. Okay one exception. The seven minutes in Michael Moore's film Farenheit 911. I was a captive audience so I had no choice.