Sunday, June 8, 2008

fucking grasshoppers

over the last week the hot weather has brought with it likely thousands of tiny little grasshopper youngin's that have systemaically and completely destroyed most of my garden. they haven't attacked the corn or squash yet, and i remember from chacon that they seemed to leave the squash alone...but we'll see. its pretty depressing. i've decided to let the chickens into the garden...fuck it...might as well get some eggs from these destructo-bugs.

these were my beets, not long ago the greeens were so full and dense you couldn't see the soil at all. thankfully the food part is underground, like the turnips in the next photo. they aren't quite done yet but they're edible.
its the same grisly scene with the carrots and peas and calendula...and my fledgling basil is completely gone gone gone.

for some lighter viewing ...theres always wooly booty to bring a smile to my face.


Jbeeky said...

Dude, that fucking sucks. I am glad the chickens got thier fill of them.

Anonymous said...

if the chickens don't get them all you can try diatomaceous earth.. it's non toxic, natural and should help a great deal. Only caveat is it kills the beneficial insects also, so you have to apply carefully. hope this helps.
